SHA 2013 Conference on historical and underwater Archaelogy

SHA 2013 Conference on historical and underwater Archaelogy



Título comunicación:First Evidences of Colonial Cultural Conflict in Northeast Argentina. Settlement and Material Culture at Sancti Spiritus, 1527-1529 (Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe)
Autores: Agustín Azkarate, Sergio Escribano Ruiz, Iban Sánchez Pinto, Verónica Benedet

Abstract: Our case study represents a different example, although symptomatic, of the colonization process promoted by the Crown of Castile from the 16th century. Even as an unofficial project, due to the individual agency of Sebastian Cabot, the fort reflects the colonization process of Latin America in a very clear way, as it shares the main aspirations of the colonialism, and also its principal problems. The archaeological works developed in recent years, besides bringing light to the genesis of the colonial cultural contact process in Argentina, have allowed us to characterize the settlement patterns and the material culture of the local societies, and has permitted us to do the same with the Castilian expedition. The work we are presenting aims to synthesize the settlement model developed by both societies at the moment of their encounter, in order to value its consequences.

Sesión: SYM-300: Territory, settlement and material culture in the Iberian colonial empires (16-18th centuries)" codirigida por el investigador del GPAC Javier G. Iñañez y André P. S. D. Teixeira de la Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

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