Photo Contest Nuestras Arquitectas 2021
Nuestras Arquitectas, through this second international photography contest, proposes to focus and re-focus on those images that have been hidden and eclipsed in order to return them to the place and the prominence those women architects deserved.
Contest object
The main purpose of this activity is helping in raising awareness and recognition on the contribution of women architects in order to disseminate and socialize the architectural works produced by women to our society. In achieving this, we have organized this second open international photography contest on works by women architects. Taking part in this open contest is free.
Photographs thematic
Photographs will show work and contributions by women architects or professionals of Architecture, solo architects or team based offices. Location and building date are not restricted so photographs can come from any part of the world and wirk might be built in any time.
We suggest some categories for the works, although they are not determinative:
- Individual or collective housing
- Institutional architecture
- Rehabilitation
- Landscape architecture
- Ephemeral architecture
- Town planning
- Design
Contest general rules
- Participation is open to all citizens.
- Each participant may send up to 3 photographs per person. Photographs must be original and unpublished (not presented in any other contest or not having totally or partially restricted its reproduction or being subjected to copyright).
- Participation in the contest implies full acceptance of its bases.
Photographs uploading
- The photograph(s) should be sent to the following e-mail address: nuestrasarquitectas@gmail.com with the subject “Nuestras Arquitectas Photography Competition”, identifying the name and authorship of the contribution.
- In the body of the e-mail it will be indicated for each image:
- Authorship of the photograph submitted: name and surname
- Work photographed: name of the work
- Place of the work: city, country
- Author of the work: name/s and surname/s
The photographs will be sent in JPG format in 300 DPI.
- The deadline for uploading will be November 20, 2021 at 24 hours (GMT -3)
Conditions of acceptance and publication of photographs
Only photographs that do not presuppose violence of the rights of the photographed will be accepted. In particular, no photograph will be accepted or published that represents an interference with the rights and dignity of people; in case of photographing children, their face must be explicitly hidden.
Any question in this regard not contemplated here remains in the hands of the organizers of the contest and those entities on which they depend. The organization of the contest reserves the right of acceptance for reasons of conscientious objection.
The intellectual property of the photographs belongs to their authors.
By participating in the contest they allow their photographs to be exhibited and disseminated in all those areas consistent with this contest.
In case the authorship of the photograph does not belong to the person entering the competition, a signed authorisation for the authorship of the photograph must be sent
Jury members will be:
- Cayetana Mercé (Soyarquitecta.net, Argentina)
- Vanessa Vielma (ArchDaily México)
- Atxu Amann (UPM, España)
- Patricia Santos Pedrosa (Universidade de Lisboa – Mulheres na Arquitetura, Portugal)
- Patrizia Montini (IUAV, Italia)
- Soledad Larraín (MujerArquitecta, Chile)
- Verónica Rosero (Universidad Internacional SEK y Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador)
The jury will announce the awards on November 25, 2021, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. These awards and related information will be published on successive days through the contest organizing entities media.
The distinction for the winners will be the dissemination of their photographs and the respective mentions on a publication that will be made specifically for this event.
Organization of the contest
This contest is organized by Nuestras Arquitectas and with the support of Universitat Politècncia de València (Spain), Built Heritage Research Group (GPAC) and the UNESCO Chair Cultural Landscapes and Heritage of the University of the Basque Country, GADU programme -Gender, Architecture, Design, Urbanism- Instituto de la Espacialidad Humana at Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Colegio Territorial de arquitectos de Valencia, LINA Plataforma, Un día | una arquitecta, Línea de investigación Urbanismo, Arquitectura y Diseño Feminista (CONICET), ARQSarean (Network of Women Professionals in Architecture, Urban Planning and Heritage), Platform “Patrimonio siglo XX” y YesWePlan! Spain. Media Partners: ArchDaily, Soyarquitecta.net