22nd IIWC International Symposium “Wooden heritage conservation: beyond disciplines” , Bilbao & 1st IIWC Course on wooden heritage conservation, San Sebastian

22nd IIWC International Symposium “Wooden heritage conservation: beyond disciplines” , Bilbao & 1st IIWC Course on wooden heritage conservation, San Sebastian

The ICOMOS International Wood Committee (IIWC), with the support of the GPAC Built Heritage Research Group (UPV/EHU) and the UNESCO Chair on Cultural Landscapes and Heritage, is organising the 22nd IIWC International Symposium “Wooden Heritage Conservation: Beyond Disciplines”, which will take place in Bilbao during the 30th of September and the 1st and 2nd of October. In this context, and for the first time, this institution is also organising the 1st IIWC Course on Wooden Heritage Conservation, placed in San Sebastian from the 3rd to the 5th of October, which covers a range of interdisciplinary topics and a number of outstanding local and international experiences.

The targeted audience is the broadest possible, including a wide range of professionals, students, researchers and institutions of the heritage conservation field, both local and international.


  • September 30th: Wooden heritage tour
  • From October 1st and 2nd: Bizkaia Aretoa, UPV/EHU, Bilbao
  • From October 3rd and 4th: Miramar Palace, San Sebastian-Donostia
  • October 5th: Wooden heritage tour

For more information and registration:


Access link to programs:

IIWC-2019-22nd Symposium-Bilbao-PROGRAMME

IIWC-2019-1st Course-San Sebastian-PROGRAMME

Call for papers:

On behalf of the ICOMOS International Wood Committee (IIWC) and the Summer Courses of the Basque Country university we invite papers to be presented for the IIWC 22nd International Scientific Symposium:  Wooden Heritage Conservation: beyond disciplines, Bilbao 2019.

Papers are invited from both ICOMOS members and non-members. To propose a paper, please submit a concise one A4-page abstract as follows:

  • Language: English
  • Abstract length: Maximum 300 words
  • Author’s biography summary: Maximum 100 words
  • At the top of the abstract indicate: the chosen theme/ topic; the title of the paper; and three to five keywords that reflect the general theme of the paper; then
  • Author’s name(s), any institutional affiliation and contact details (postal address, phone, fax, e-mail)
  • If you are an ICOMOS member, your ICOMOS membership number and National Committee.
  • No more than one abstract will be considered per author (unless for the second abstract you are not the principal author).
  • Final paper presentation time: No more than 20 minutes.
  • Abstracts should be emailed to: bilbao@gmail.com

Timetable for submission of abstracts and papers:

  • 8 April 2019: Call for Papers
  • 3 June 2019: Deadline for submission of Abstracts
  • 1 July 2019: Selected speakers notified of their selection

Selection and Review Process

The Selection Committee will review the abstracts. It will then select abstracts for papers to be presented at the symposium and for publication on the IIWC website (possibly for both). The selected speakers will be invited to submit fully referenced 2,500-word papers with illustrations after the Symposium for publication on the IIWC website. Guidelines for paper presentations will be emailed to the selected presenters.

To facilitate broader discussion of the themes, a further number of abstracts will be selected (and notified) to present posters for display during the Symposium on stands or electronic screens. Poster Presenters may be invited to personally present if a Speaker Presenter drops out unexpectedly.

Selection Committee: Doug Evans (ICOMOS UK), Andrew Fearon (ICOMOS USA), Toshikazu Tsuchimoto (ICOMOS Japan) and Mikel Landa (ICOMOS Spain).

Symposium Organizing Committee: Mikel Landa (ICOMOS Spain), Agustin Azkarate (GPAC Basque University), Teresa Artola (ICOMOS Spain), Alazne Ochandiano (ICOMOS Spain), Josu Maroto (Gipuzkoa Regional Council. Heritage Conservation Department), Ainara Iroz (Gipuzkoa Regional Council. Heritage Conservation Department), María Peraita (GPAC-UPV/EHU), Tina Wik (IOCMOS Sweden), Tanya Park (ICOMOS Australia), María Guadalupe Zepeda Martínez (ICOMOS México).

Enquiries: iiwc.bilbao@gmail.com


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